Pamela Topjian – HypnoBreakthrough
Graduated from Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) in 2011

Offering Hypnotherapy session by phone or zoom all over the globe. Hypnotherapy has been approved to be beneficial for 100’s of uses by the AMA (American Medical Association) Pamela received her Practical Nursing Degree for License in Nursing from Northern Michigan University (NMU) in 2007.
Pamela Topjian completed Hypnotherapy Levels 1 and 2 at the South West Institute of Healing Arts on campus in Tempe, Arizona in 2011. She went on to Certified Hypnotherapist training at the California School of Hypnotherapy in Sacramento. This included over 100 hours of technique utilization with the public. She was awarded CHt certification by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners in 2020. Consultations are always free and include upon request a short stress reducing session to get a feel for how her sessions are conducted over remotely.
Business Specialties
• Hypnotherapy