Jan Wilson – The Plant Affect, LLC
Graduated from Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) in 2022

Jan began her venture into the world of alternative healing at the age of 14 as the result of relocating to a new home that wasn’t quite big enough for the entire family of 7. She and her sister were moved into their Grandparent’s home until the new home was remodeled. This was the first time Jan had the opportunity to spend extended time with her grandparents allowing her to see how they lived and believed differently than her parents as well as learning some rather interesting and unique approaches to life that they followed. It is also where Jan was able to identify some unique gifts within herself and her lineage, ultimately leading Jan to search out a less limiting approach to health and life.
Jan is a practicing herbalist, educator, and author; having attended and completed the Western Herbalism program from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Using her acquired skills to assist others toward improved health. Jan is also a registered, certified yoga instructor, certified group fitness professional and has authored subjects on spirituality, gratitude, inspiration, and holistic health in several anthologies.
As a local Arizona herbalist, Jan’s goal is to help people develop deep and meaningful relationships with plants. Her work is influenced by indigenous plant healers from throughout the Americas, as well as American herbalists such as herbalists Michael Moore and John Slattery, and most importantly, the plants of Arizona and from around the world. She founded The Plant Affect LLC, an herb, and plant education company, in Phoenix, AZ in 2021 to bring information about cultivated and wild-harvested plants and their medicines to the world. Jan’s current passion is to delve into the various traditions of the Arizona indigenous people and how their traditions can benefit the people of today, bringing the concepts and principles of herbalism and urban farming to a wider audience, and integrating skilled and balanced knowledge into the exploration of plants.
“Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” by Author Ashe
Business Specialties
• Herbalism
• Stress Management
• Yoga Teacher