Alexandria Taft – Rebrith – Life Coaching
Graduated from Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) in 2020

United States
Alexandria has a special gift for genuinely always wanting to help people live their best life. Raised in the rural Heartland of America in a unique community of healers and interantional meditation practitioners she has always seen life through the lens of “As above So Below, So Below As Above”. She remembers seeing fairies and communicating with distant galactic stars in her youth. She was drawn to an Art Major in University and followed her heart to the cultual lands and spritual mecca’s of Assisi Italy, the Mother Ganges in India, The Swiss Alpes, the Carribean Waters and many more on her travels. Always a nanny to children she felt her calling to help and advocate for them. A stay at home mother of two boys 9 and 12 she brings her rich expereince of beauty, art, children spritualiy and spark for life to her sessions in life coaching.
Business Specialties
• Aromatherapy
• Hypnotherapy
• Integrative Healing Arts
• Intuitive Guide
• Life Coach
• Mindfulness & Guided Imagery
• Online Coaching
• Relationship Coaching
• Spa Treatments
• Spiritual Celebrant/Minister
• Spiritual Studies
• Spiritual Coach
• Stress Management
• Toe Reader